Investing Triotis Gambling is PEPE

Jun 3, 2023

Nowadays many people are here is make money, but not by making good decisions, they are just betting their hard earned money on meme coins like PEPE.

I know that Pepe meme coin did a historical job but after that many scammers scammed people in the name PEPE like they did in Shiba, and people are happy to see their money goes away from them. Please don’t get into trap.

The coin like TRIOTIS is for creating value in crypto world, So stop gambling start investing.
I know that Triotis chart is down but it doesn’t mean that TRIOTIS will do scam or rugg pull. It’s been 8months now and that coin is doing good and Devs locked that LP for five years.

Join Telegram of TRIOTIS — Start beleiving for a good.

